This is how bad of a person I am…

So, I wanted to figure out what sort of grades I would need to maintain my minimum GPA so I could keep going to SEMO on my scholarship… Instead of just doing my calculus homework, I decided to write a spreadsheet to make this super easy for myself.

You can use it too if it’s helpful. Although, you’ll have to fix it up a bit if you’re taking more than 7 classes, because I’m not good enough at spreadsheets to have it figure it out in a less ugly way…

Ciao. 🙂

If you want to calculate your GPA, click here.

It kills me to admit it…

It kills me to admit it, but I was wrong. SEMO isn’t that bad. Also, the library is amazing.

Well, that’s just SEMO-freaking-tacular.

So there’s this guy. He’s pretty much totally freaking awesome, because that is his nature, and this guy is going to SEMO.

How did this happen? Well, it may be due to laziness. It may be due to stupidity. It may be due to being white and middle-class. [I’d settle for just one!] Of course, it could also have something to do with the fact that every other college was going to put him in about one bazillion and seven dollars in debt. Either that, or he pissed off some omnipotent but not necessarily benevolent being. [Most investigations are actually pointing toward that last option.]

But, because this guy isn’t one to whine about his predicament [for more than 7 months at a time], he will try his best to enjoy the awful, stinging death for which he is almost certainly due.

Hell is almost certainly other people; that and the college they go to.

Wish me luck, or quick, relatively painless death.

— kyle pointer

Aww, hell. Whatever.

Ok, so I’m going to be en route to SEMO very shortly. I have 15 days left… unless you count 14 days because I’m writing this at 2 in the morning. (I count 15, because I plan on going to sleep tonight… which is actually more of a rarity than you might think.)

I would like very much to begin writing in a blog again. Mostly so everyone else knows how much of a miserable bastard I am. Sharing is caring after-all.

Originally, I was furious that I’d have to go to SEMO, but lately I don’t really mind so much. I’ve been so bored sitting around at home just waiting for something to happen. Hopefully at SEMO I’ll at least have something to do besides sit around playing with my computer and sleeping all day.

And with that, I bid you adieu!

So you want to be an English teacher?

So… as I begin my Senior year in High School, I start to contemplate the rest of my life. I’m still not 100% sure about any of this crap, but I thought it might be funny to write down at the beginning of the year what I want to do, so I can point back and laugh at myself later. 

So… colleges. I’m planning on applying to University of Chicago (please god…), SEMO, SIUe, SLU, and maybe a few others… but those are the major ones I want to try. SEMO would be nice, because if I can get accepted, I can get practically a full ride because of my GPA and ACT scores, and if I decide to major in German (which is what I plan  on doing at this point), I can study for a semester in Heidelberg, which would be fantastic. 

As of right now, I’m planning to major in German and at least minor in Music. 

What I’d really like to do, is be an English teacher… but here’s the twist. I want to be an English teacher… <drum roll> in Germany! 

Does this sound like a stupid idea? 

I hope it can work, because I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.

Alas, it starts.

Well, it happened. My last year of  high school, barring any unexpected disasters, has begun. I like this year. 

Let us begin with my schedule. 

  • Health
  • Trig
  • AP Chemistry
  • German 
  • Lunch
  • Advanced Writing
  • Band

I’m slightly irritated about having to take Health, but the state of Illinois apparently thinks I’m some sort of moron who can’t figure out that eating at McDonalds and having promiscuous encounters with everyone and their mother is unhealthy. But, one thing I do like about Health is that it is ridiculously easy, and as of today, I have a 122.22% in the class. 

As far as Trig goes… if they will let me take Honors, I’ll be pretty happy… otherwise, I’m not sure that it’s worth my time, and I might be better served taking another language or something instead. 

AP Chemistry will probably be lots of fun, and hopefully I’ll learn a lot. 

German is awesome… continued below. 

Lunch is when I eat. 

Advanced Writing will be pretty cool. I tried to get into Honors Writing, but I’m not allowed to because I got a C in English last year… but whatever, because that would have been a ton of work unrelated to my future major anyways. 🙂

Band – I play snare now. 

Ahhhh… German. I love German class. Mostly because, after being in German for 2 months, I’m really good at it. This year I’m also extra excited, because we have some awesome German exchange students. These kids are named Simon Potthast, Eva Wallaschek and Maren Rürup, and are staying with Jonathan Crawford, Victoria Francis and Amanda Reichling respectively. They will be staying in Belleville for three weeks. They are also significantly cool. I ended up going to see The Dark Knight with Simon. I’ve seen it three times now, because it is the best movie ever. [Eva was going to come too, but we had a failure to communicate.] Anyhow, I really look forward to German with two native speakers. 

Band is pretty exciting as well, because our show is cool this year, and our band is massive. The only thing that really scares me, is that we have band only two days a week… so we’ll have to make sure we’re very serious when we go out after school to clean drill. 

Now all I need to do is find out how I can become an English teacher in Germany… which is essentially what I want to do with my life… either that or be an airplane pilot. I’m not quite sure yet, but I think I’m finally deciding what I want to do with the rest of my life, and I think I’d like to keep German involved. Thank You Frau. 

— kyle



Originally uploaded by FluffyArmada

We are officially the coolest drumline in the entire world. Ever.

Ahh… Germany… wherefore art thou on the wrong side of the planet?

So yep… I’ve been here for a while, but I have five days left. I haven’t written since I got back from France…  mostly because not a whole lot has happened. I guess I’ll write a bunch now though, because I don’t have anything better to do at the moment… and when I’m done, I’ll go downstrairs and finish memorizing “Bugz”, our field show for this year. (It’s pretty cool, but I still think the whole bugs theme is really really lame…)

So.. France. We went to France, and it was nice. We were a la cote d’azur. I can’t make those weird French accents and I can’t make a circumflex, I’m sorry, I just don’t know how. But anyhow. French people are actually pretty nice, and I’m not sure why so many people hate them… I will admit though, that there are some places in France that smell funny… but it really wasn’t *that bad*. The cheese is fancy, and the wine is fancy… of course, I don’t have any experience with wine to compare it to… we can think the good old US of A for that. 21 is a stupid drinking age, but then again, we have a lot of stupid people… so maybe it fits. Europeans have a slightly different attitude toward alcohol compared to us, and I think it’s mostly because they don’t have the sort of stigma associated to it that we do. I really can’t put into words what I want to say about it… it’s just really hard to describe. One of the reasons why I think the US has so much trouble with young people and alcohol is that in the US, it’s forbidden to them, and any “good law abiding responsible” adults aren’t going to let their children have a beer or a glass of wine or what-be-it… But I would argue that that is exactly the problem. How is a person going to learn about the effects of alchohol? Through consumption. And where better to consume and learn about the effects of alcohol than in the presense of these responsible adults?! Instead, our government makes it illegal! This is just so ungodly stupid to me! Of course young people are going to drink. Young people are curious, they want to learn, it’s part of what makes them young people. But they can’t just responsibly consume alcohol with responsible adults, because that would be “illegal”. Instead, they find it somewhere else, and they go out drinking with other people who also have no experience with it. Then what happens? Someone gets hurt. Why? Because there were no responsible adults around to make sure nothing bad happened. When you make it illegal for young people, you take the adults out of the picture completely, and that is why people get hurt. Am I wrong?!

Ahhh… but I have made a massive digression. Anyhow, more abou France.

We also went to Saint Tropez, which I thought was pretty nice… lots of places where people with way to much money can go shopping. We stayed at a campground for about two weeks called Camp du Domaine, and it was pretty nice. We spent a lot of time at the Cafe, mostly because it had Wifi. I updated my iPhone to the new 2.0 firmware, which is absolutely wonerful.

Then we went to Munich. I love Munich. People in Munich love beer. I love Munich. I might venture to say that more beer is consumed per capita in Munich than anywhere ever. When you order a beer in Munich (not that I would know), there are a billion different options. First, is the size of the beer. There is either the Maß (I believe it is spelled with an ß), which is a full Liter of beer, or there is always the 0.5L option if you don’t want to drink a lot (haha). Those two options are really only for three of the beer varieties. There is of course, normal beer, which is kinda a standard beer. But beyond that there are Helles Beer (lighter [colored] beer) and Dunkles Beer (darker colored). Ahh.. but this is Munich. Just three kinds of beer that you can order universally? Don’t insult Munich with your barbarian simplicity. There are also the Weisbeer. There is the standard Weisbeer of course… just like the normal beer. But there is also, you guessed it, the Helles Weisbeer and the Dunkles Weisbeer. I have no idea what the difference between them it, but I hear Dunkles Weisbeer tastes a little bit like Banana…

Anyhow. Munich, and the rest of Germany has interesting beer. None of which, of course, I have consumed, because that would be naughty.

Let us now for just a short moment discuss German keyboards. There are a lot of things on German keyboards, that are not on English keyboards. And this upsets me. Luckily, it is easy to find a German keyboard in Germany, and it costs relatively little. Here are just some of the symbols available on a German-style keyboard. ° § € µ ß ü ä ö « » ¢ · æ  ð đ ŋ ħ ĸ ł ¶ ŧ ← ↓ → ø þ ¹ ² ³ ¼ ½ ¬

These sybols don’t actually have their own individual keys, but they are only two keystrokes away… (with exception of the umlauted letters and the ß, which do, in fact, have their own keys) If you’re ever bored, and you want to type some fancy looking random letters on a German keyboard, you can hold down the Right-ALT key, which should be labeled Alt Gr, and then hit some other random key, and if you get lucky, you’ll land on some fancy looking symbol.Otherwise, the only thing that’s really different about German keyboards, is that the Enter key is smaller, to make room for a few extra keys, and the Y and the Z are reversed, presumably because German hardly ever uses the letter Y, and it most often occures in foreign loan words, like “Baby”.

Ahh… so yes. I’m going to regret having to go home. There’s a lot of stuff over here that I have really come to appriciate. It is nice to have not seen a wallmart in a very very long time. But McDonalds is still extremely prevelant. And in big cities, KFC is not uncommon. I will miss German roads. Especially Kreisverkehr(s), which is German for “circle traffic” and is kinda like the fountain in downtown Belleville. The difference here is, that people actually understand how the right-of-way works, so it’s a lot less annoying to drive in them.

But I do miss my friends, and I do miss coloquial English (who wouldn’t?). I also miss drumline and band. And I just found out that we got new drums, and they look undeniably sexy. I hear we get to use them for the first time at our first football game… sweet. No one goes to football games to watch football, btw, it’s all about the band playing the half-time show.

But yep. Let’s see… other places we were… We went through Switzerland, which was awesome. The alps are pretty hard-core. There were waterfalls and stuff all over the place… I just wish I would have had a decent camera to take pictures with… I’d have loved to take pictures of waterfalls with a long exposure so the water looked all smooth and pretty and stuff… maybe with my dream camera, the Nikon D80, but alas, the effect really cannot be achieved with the mortal Canon Powershow A560… which I have to give back when I leave. 😛 My Kodak V1233 broke… and I am still sad, because she was a good camera. It was her LCD… such a waste of perfectly good camera, but there was no viewfinder (bad idea) so I can’t really use her anymore. Maybe if I can find the LCD on ebay or something, but I doubt it… because the whole camera’s going for about 30 bucks. I’m better off saving my money for the D80, but I still want a point-n-shoot, because it’s hard to put an SLR in your pocket.

Anyhow, Switzerland was cool… so was Italy, even though we were only there for about 20 minutes, driving through. We stopped for about 10 minutes to see Monaco, which was all pretty and blue and what-not. And that was about it. Way more than I could have asked for, and it was all very nice. I’m going to try to upload all of the pictures from these trips today, but flickr kinda sucks when it comes to uploading large batches of pictures, so we’ll see. Btw, Flickr Pro is totally worth the 25 or whatever dollars it costs a year, if you’re into sharing photographs. Just thought I’d throw that out there.

Anyhow, I need to practice Bugz, I memorized the first movement yesterday, and I’m planning on memorizing either the 2nd or 3rd today… depends…. 3rd would be easier, but I do need to work more on the 2nd movement… maybe I’ll just be on a roll and memorize them both… that’d also be nice. I need to print out a new copy of the second movement because I’ve written on it so much I can’t read the stickings for the fancy 6-let passage, and the stickings might be important.


Thus spoke iPhone.

So this is pretty sweet. WordPress works on the iPhone now. That’s awesome.

Oh yes. And puppies.



Without further ado. [what the heck is ado anyway? I bet it’s much about nothing.]

France… and other places that had interesting smells.

So… I haven’t written anything on my blog in a looooooooong time. I can understand if my massive group of people who love to read what I write are disappointed. …

Anyhow, a few days ago (or maybe a week ago, I’m not really sure, I haven’t been paying that much attention) we left in the Wohn-mobile (german wohnen meaning “to reside”… so… to live in… so… yeah… it’s like an RV… I promise it’s funny… but kinda in a “you had to be there” way… end digression) and went to la côte d’azur… which sounds cool when you say it… it’s kinda like lah coat-azoor… but I’m not totally sure… anyhow, I’m pretty sure it means the blue coast… which is nice… and it is pretty blue. We’re at a camp ground and we’re… camping… and it’s pretty cool… aside from the having to wear the same cloths for four days because you don’t have enough cloths for a three week trip without a washing machine. 🙂 But it’s still fun. We’re next to that big water thing in the middle of Europe called the Mediterranean Sea… which is salty. I write like this on purpose. Sometimes I just imagine how Mrs. McGarrity would want to gouge her eyes out… and I laugh a little bit inside. Payback. [ just kidding! I loved American Studies! In sort of a “you ruined a year of my life and my GPA, but I learned a lot so I guess it was worth it” kinda way… 🙂 ]

But anyhow. We’re in France, and French is a pretty cool language whenever you hear people speak in it. It’s hard to understand when people speak it, because everything gets kinda mushed together, but you can usually figure out what most written French is supposed to mean, because most of it is Latin with some French crap added onto it so that it’s harder to understand. That’s cool though. French people are really nice, I’m not sure where the mean French people stereotype came from. I’m guessing that’s mostly French people in Paris and other big tourist places where the residents are mad at all of the tourists… which I can totally understand. But yeah, this place is somewhat atypical though, because it’s kinda one of those places where all sorts of European people go to for their vacations. I think it might be just a tad too hot around noon, but if you’re at the beach, then that’s really not a huge deal, because the water is usually reasonably nice. Sometimes a bit cold… but mostly about perfect. Sometimes these strange French people walk across the street yelling something about some random crap in French… but that’s ok, because all they really want is to sell you doughnuts… and even that’s ok, because they’re pretty good. Everyone kinda speaks German, English,  — that language from Denmark —, — that language from Holland —, and maybe a little bit of French. It’s kinda scary though, because Danish kids apparently start learning English (and German too) at a ridiculously young age… so all of these little kids randomly speak English very well… and it’s scary, and it’s kinda depressing. One thing I have noticed though, that I find extremely interesting, is that a lot of people here are all from different countries, and whenever two people with incompatible languages meet, they usually end up speaking with one another in English. Hmm… Interesting.
